Month: March 2020


NAVS tells NIH to focus on human-relevant models–not animals!

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is in the process of developing a Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021-2025 to advance its mission “to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature…

International Space Station Cropped

Heart tissue chips sent to space

NAVS has long supported research efforts utilizing human-relevant models, such as tissue chips, which are designed to replicate the structure and function of human tissues and organs. These chips also…

Mini Brain

Help NAVS Fund Smarter Science

NAVS is proud of the investment we make in promoting the value of humane science and supporting the development of scientific approaches and models that can reduce, and possibly replace,…

Rat in laboratory. Animal tests

European Animal Use Report Should be Model for U.S.

NAVS has long advocated for increased transparency and accountability regarding animal use by scientists in the United States. Specifically, we have, for many years, asked the United States Department of…