Month: April 2020

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Top 5 Reasons Animal Experiments Need to End

During World Week for Animals in Laboratories, an international week of commemoration for animals in research, we are reminded of the millions of animals who are subjected to experimentation each…

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Using Organs-on-Chips to Combat COVID-19

The coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on individuals around the world, leading to over 100,000 deaths globally and threatening to take the lives of many more people. But researchers at…

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Coronavirus Pandemic Puts Dissection Alternatives in the Spotlight

The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives in many ways.  As we practice social distancing and abide by rules to not congregate in large groups, many schools across the country…

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“Extraneous” Lab Animals Mass Killed in U.S. Labs

The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of the way we live and work.  A recent article in the journal Science has highlighted what some of these changes have meant…