Month: July 2020

Lab Rat Cropped 580

The Reproducibility Crisis: Old Habits Die Hard

It has been a while since we’ve reported on the reproducibility crisis in preclinical research, but it’s not because the problem has been getting better.  It’s been estimated that between…

Monkey Cage Sf

Is it time to replace the 3 R’s?

More than sixty years have passed since Russell and Burch introduced the “3 R’s” concept—reduction, refinement and replacement of animal use—to advance animal welfare standards and reduce animal use in…


Most VA Dog Experiments Deemed Unnecessary

NAVS has long advocated that dogs should not be subjected to unnecessary pain and experimentation. Yet every year, tens of thousands of dogs are used in such research in the…

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Virus Covid 19-NCP. Coronavirus nCoV denoted is single-stranded RNA virus. Background blue virus cells, blood platelets, capsule pills. Digital 3d vector illustration

Organoids Advance COVID-19 Research

As the world continues to see the number of COVID-19 cases rise—and braces for a potential second wave—time is of the essence to scientifically investigate the coronavirus and discover approaches…