Month: August 2020

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Companion Animals and COVID-19: What we know so far

To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken the lives of nearly one million people around the world and infected millions more. As researchers work tirelessly to learn more about the…


The advantages of non-animal antibodies

Antibodies, part of the immune system that protect the body against repeat exposure to viruses and bacteria, are also important research tools. Scientists generate and use antibodies for many procedures…

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Happy Trails to Ewes and Horses and Goats and Cows and…

Last fall, Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary in Ravenna, OH, took on a large-scale rescue project, saving more than 30 animals — including goats, mini horses, sheep, donkeys, cows, chickens…

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Can COVID-19 infect the brain? Organoids may help explain

As researchers continue their quest for answers as to whether—and how—different organs may be infected by COVID-19, many of these researchers are turning to human-relevant organoid models, as there is…

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NAVS Alumni Spotlight: IFER Fellowship Recipient Danh Truong

As the first installment of our new “NAVS Alumni Spotlight”, this week’s Science First highlights the work of Danh Truong, a former recipient of the NAVS/International Foundation for Ethical Research…

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Humane Dissection Tools Shine During Remote Learning–and Beyond!

The beginning of a new school year is right around the corner and will likely feel different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as schools across the country…