Month: September 2021

SF Sep 27

An “Ethical Framework” for Animal Research

Scientists’ thoughts about animal experimentation have evolved over time, with efforts to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research now being actively considered prior to experimentation thanks…

Isef Thumnail 4

NAVS Alumni Spotlight: Humane Science Award Recipient Krithik Seela

In last week’s Science First, we caught up with Kashish Kumar, recipient of the third place NAVS Humane Science Award at the 2021 International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the…

No Animal Testing

The European Parliament Passes a Resolution to End the Use of Animals in Research and Testing

In a nearly unanimous vote of 667 to 4, the European Parliament on Wednesday passed a historic resolution that calls on the European Commission to phase out all animal experiments.…


NAVS Alumni Spotlight: ISEF Humane Science Award Recipient Kashish Kumar

This week’s Science First “NAVS Alumni Spotlight” catches up with Kashish Kumar, recipient of the NAVS Humane Science Award at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) this year. ISEF…

Spotted Rabbit In Sunlight At The Green Grass On The Garden Picture Id1271893635

Mexico Bans Animal Testing For Cosmetics

Mexico Becomes First Nation in North America to Pass a Law Banning Animal Testing for Cosmetics In a major win for animals, late last week, Mexico joined the 41 other…

SF September6

Forced Swim Tests on Animals Under Scrutiny

The results of animal studies in biomedical and behavioral research often do not translate to humans. A particular animal test used in depression research has recently been scrutinized for this…