Meet the Next Generation of Researchers
Excited by the promise of modern science and technology, NAVS is committed to addressing key challenges in biomedical research by funding initiatives that promote smarter, more humane solutions.

Why Humane Education Matters: Shaping the Future of Compassionate Science
At the heart of NAVS’ mission is the belief that education is not just about imparting knowledge—it’s about inspiring values.

Organoids in Space: Advancing Humane Science Beyond Earth’s Boundaries
Organoids are revolutionizing science by providing researchers with insights into human biology—and now they are traveling beyond our planet.

Progress for Chimps and Support for Rescues: NAVS’ Role In Animal Welfare Efforts
We are committed to helping rescues and sanctuaries in their work to provide safe, compassionate environments for animals that have experienced hardship.

A Farewell from our Executive Director, Kenneth J. Kandaras, J.D.
Executive Director, Kenneth Kandaras, J.D., is retiring at the end of 2024 after 25 years of service with NAVS, the most recent six years as Executive Director.

NAVS Visits Save the Chimps Sanctuary
In June, NAVS was fortunate to visit the Save the Chimps sanctuary in Fort Pierce, FL.

Approaching 95 Years of NAVS
As we approach 95 years of fighting to advance science without the use of animals, it is important that we take time to reflect on the journey that has brought us here and how it has shaped the work we continue to do today.

NAVS News – September 2024
Thank you for being a compassionate part of our mission to promote humane science and end animal research.