NAVS Letter to the NASEM Committee
Dear Chairman Ramos and fellow committee members, Since 1929, the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) has been working to end the exploitation of animals in all areas of science. As an…

Medical Schools Find Value in Virtual Dissections
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for educators across the world and forced many of them to rethink the way they deliver course content. For instance, many educators teaching biology…

Seven Finalists Compete for IFER Fellowships
Each year, thanks to your generosity and commitment to advancing science without harming animals, NAVS awards a grant to the International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER). This grant funds Graduate…

The Future of Organ-Chip Models is Bright
NAVS sees great potential in organ-on-a-chip devices to reduce—and ultimately replace—the use of animals in many areas of science, and we are excited that these innovative alternatives to animal use…

The Promise of Body-on-a-Chip Technologies
Last month, NAVS attended a virtual meeting hosted by the RegenMed Development Organization and Stem Cell Translational Medicine entitled “Virtual Workshop: User Roadmap for Body-on-a-Chip Technology.” We were excited to…

Reasons to End Animal Experimentation
World Week for Animals in Laboratories is a special time when we commemorate the lives of the millions of animals who are experimented on in laboratories across the globe each…