boy and a cat

Why Your Donation Matters

Here’s how your support of NAVS will make a difference:

  • BioLEAP Classroom Grants: You will help us provide funding to teachers across America to implement humane dissection models in their teaching and reintroduce value for life into their life science lesson plans.
  • Educational Curriculum: You will enable us to distribute free curriculum exploring the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in science to reach as many teachers and students as possible.
  • Humane Science Awards: With your partnership, we will recognize student innovation in science on an international platform at the world’s largest pre-college STEM competition – advancing humane science and supporting the brightest young minds pursuing it.

Because of you, thousands of students will be spared from exposure to the cruelty of animal dissection – and countless animals will be saved – this year alone.

Our Circle of Compassion

Through membership in NAVS’ monthly sustainer community, your support can go even further faster. By spreading your donation out over the year, you make it possible for us to plan ahead and allocate resources that will make a profound difference in the lives of humans and animals alike. Each and every monthly gift matters, adding up to fuel the growth of our mission toward smarter science and a kinder world for all.

Thank you truly for your invaluable support.