Humane Cosmetics Bills Introduced Coast to Coast

The Humane Cosmetics Act was first introduced to Congress in 2014 and has been reintroduced every session since then to no avail. To date, eight states have beaten Congress to the punch by passing humane cosmetics legislation of their own—including five states that passed bills to end cosmetics testing on animals on a local level in 2021.

In recent months, Florida, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah and Washington have also introduced such bills. These laws will ban, with limited exceptions, the manufacture and sale of cosmetics products that have been tested using outdated, unreliable animal testing methods.

If you live in any of these states, tell your elected officials to support your local humane cosmetics bill.

And no matter where you live, you can support the passage of the newly re-introduced federal Humane Cosmetics Act of 2021, which will end, with limited exceptions, the use of animals in safety testing for products such as lotion, shampoo and mascara, in the United States. This bill has bipartisan backing in both chambers of Congress. It is also supported by the Personal Care Products Council, which represents 90% of the U.S. cosmetics industry.

Over the years, NAVS and our advocates have fought long and hard for the passage of a federal Humane Cosmetics Act. Let’s make 2022 the year we finally make it happen.

Please contact your members of Congress in the House and the Senate and ask them to cosponsor the Humane Cosmetics Act of 2021