Planned Giving

Your Legacy of Compassion

Legacy of Compassion CoverThroughout NAVS’ historic struggle to bring greater compassion, respect and justice to animals, we have been empowered by thoughtful, caring people who were committed to ending the cruelty and waste of animal experimentation. Through the selfless sacrifice of giving, people like you have helped NAVS achieve great progress toward ending the needless suffering of animals, while helping us to advance smarter, more human relevant science without harming animals.

For those who wish to do more, there is another important way to make a difference for future generations. And that is to remember the National Anti-Vivisection Society when planning the final disposition of your estate.

Estate planning is not only for the wealthy. Each of us, no matter what our circumstances, can create an opportunity to be remembered for standing up for the causes we believe in. Because personal circumstances and needs vary, even at different stages of our life—children, grandchildren and companion animals may figure in your plans—different planned giving strategies and their tax consequences will work for different people whose goals and responsibilities vary.

Planned gifts can be advantageous ways to take care of you and those dear to you, while creating a legacy for your “What if?” through NAVS.

Bequests and Other Estate Planning Options

As you consider the many issues involved in planning the disposition of your estate, it’s important to remember that each of us has different goals and responsibilities. Many people, rightly so, are concerned about balancing their commitment to charitable giving with their family obligations.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can take care of those whom you love while supporting charitable organizations like the National Anti-Vivisection Society—and even gain significant tax and other financial benefits now and for the future.

Charitable Bequest is one of the easiest ways to make a gift and enables you to leave a legacy of compassion while allowing for the full use of your assets during your lifetime. There are many ways charitable bequests can be structured. These include:

  • General bequests, in which a specified dollar amount is left to a charitable organization.
  • Specific bequests, in which a specific item of property is left to a charitable organization.
  • Percentage bequests, in which a certain percentage of the value of the estate is left to a charitable organization.
  • Residuary bequests, in which a charitable organization receives whatever is left in the estate after specific amounts are allocated to other beneficiaries.
  • Contingent bequests, in which a charitable organization receives whatever is left after the death of the primary heir or heirs.

“To the National Anti-Vivisection Society, 444 N. Wells St., Suite 406,

Chicago, Illinois, 60654, I bequest the sum of $_________________ for

the general purposes of the organization.”

You can contact us or your financial advisor for guidance on contingent, residual and other types of bequest language.

Other estate plan gift options you may consider include:

  • Appreciated Property Gifts (including stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real property)
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Life Income Plans
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • IRA Charitable Rollovers
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
  • Asset Gifts, such as stock or real estate

The items listed above are just some of the many estate planning options that may be available to you. A qualified estate planning specialist will help direct you to the solution that best meets your current and long-term needs.

To learn more about your options for planned giving to NAVS, please call Executive Director Kenneth Kandaras at 312-427-6083. You can also download our planned giving guide, Your Legacy of Compassion.

On behalf of all of us at NAVS and the animals you will help spare from suffering, thank you for your kind consideration and support.