Resources for Teachers and Students

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The key to changing the future lies with what we teach today’s youth. The Biology Education Advancement Program (BioLEAP) seeks to encourage K-12 educators to make the LEAP to more humane science and foster compassion for animals in the classroom.

Replacing Classroom Dissection

NAVS has long opposed the dissection of animals in the classroom, and with today’s advancements in humane learning tools, dissection is more outdated than ever.

Look beyond traditional dissection and you’ll find fun, creative and effective non-animal alternatives. From web-based programs and apps to physical models, these solutions help teach students valuable skills while they learn about anatomy and physiology.

What’s more, humane alternatives often cost far less than dissection specimens, can be easily integrated into self-paced or remote learning environments, are often reusable, and they save animals’ lives — with no decline in student performance.

Browse catalog of alternatives

Learn more about the advantages of alternatives

Funding for Humane Alternatives

To help educators introduce humane science tools into their curricula, NAVS is accepting applications for BioLEAP Classroom Grants.

Grants will be made available to educators and administrators in the United States to help purchase up to $1,000 worth of humane learning tools . Priority will be given to applicants looking to replace or reduce animal dissection activities with humane, non-animal alternatives.

The deadline for submitting applications is March 1, 2024.

Learn more about the grant

Students using humane dissection tools

Studies show that students who use humane dissection alternatives score as well as or better on performance tests than students who participate in traditional dissection exercises.

A Curriculum for Compassion

The path to changing hearts and minds about animal use in science should not end on dissection day. That’s why we created our humane education curriculum, Animal Use in Science: Exploring the 3Rs.

This 8-module set of lesson plans, presentations, and learning activities introduces students to the 3Rs principles, which call for the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in research. By integrating animal welfare concepts like the 3Rs into everyday biology lessons, we can help foster tomorrow’s compassionate scientists, policy makers, and citizens who will advocate for humane animal-free science.